Out of curiousity, I went near the window and I drew the blinds to have a better look. *Whoah* Something caught my attention from the opposite. Can you see what's at the opposite side? Let me show you a zoom up pic below.
Can you see it now? It's actually a book (some chinese prayers book) being tied to the neighbour's window grills. Hmm.. now I know why there's a mini vase in my friend's room.
I think I know why the neighbour is doing that. The neighbour's window is directly facing my friend's main entrance of the room. According to some people, it's probably not good feng shui or bring bad luck. So I guess the neighbour puts the book there to fix "the problem".
Oh well..Do you believe in all these? As for myself, maybe 50% 50%. I won't go to the extreme of course. No harm trying some simple practices though but I won't do something like the above. :)
Then, what is that vase for?? To store the bad/good luck??
The neigbour is using the "book" to prevent from bad luck. So my friend uses a "pat kua" Behind the vase is a small mini "pat kua". I think it's called that. :) So, the bad luck will be bouncing in between the "pat kua" and the book! haha.. so no one will have bad luck! ;)
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