Friday, July 13, 2007

Siem Reap – Day 2

The whole day was dedicated to visiting temples and that’s also the main purpose why we were there. To be honest, after visiting all the temples, I find that all temples looked quite the same and I can’t really tell which is which. The reason there were so many different temples was because it was built by different kings at different era. The walls of the temples were all drawn with pictures depicting the life they have at that time. Most of the temples were being built in the city called the Angkor City.

The entrance to the Angkor city…

The first temple we visited was Bayon temple.

Some interesting spots in this temple are as below:-

Am I in a maze? So many pillars..

The smiling face with thick lips.. Meant to being good fortune..

Kissing my forehead?

And then The Elephant’s Terrace…

After lunch, we headed to the temple made famous by Tomb Raider ->

Ta Prom Temple.

I like this temple the most compared to the rest. It’s because it’s still in its original state.. Most of the other temples were all restored except for this temple. What is so special about this temple are the trees and roots all grown from the rock and creeps against the wall.

Look at the tree behind. It’s grown from the rock of the temple.

Look at some of the ruins of the temple..

This is the roots of the tree seen earlier in the above picture…

Kate @ Tomb raider

What can you see from this shot?

What am I doing now?
Shoving his ass… hahaha..

One interesting picture in this temple is this picture on the wall of A dinosaur.. That means it really does exist in the olden days.. else.. how will they know there’s such an animal and drew it there?

Last but not least, we went to Angkor Wat.. the most famous temple of all..

Climbing to heaven.. there are 36 steep steps to reach the top part for prayers for the king and they called it the heaven..

To be continued.....

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