Wednesday, January 04, 2006


My car's back window got smashed due to some very nice people who wanted to take my sister's Fila shoes from my car. I think they were just too lazy to find me for the keys. So, the short cut to it was to smash the window.

So people, do not leave your shoes in the car! It’s not a safe place although the car is locked.


Survon said...

So, the Fila shoes is now safe with your sister or the nice people have it?

DeathBringer said...

oh least be thankful it's not a Nike/Adidas/Hush Puppies/etc.


next time, don't put nice stuff in your car in full view for the 'nice' ppl roaming around....

Anonymous said...

Another victim. :(

Message to all. Never keep any belongings in the car. Or even the trunk! Take it with you...

Lisan said...

So sorry to hear that. My car's windows kena smashed for twice before. Once was my mistake, for leaving a bag in there. Another time, till now I still don't understand why they smashed it. Nothing was inside my car, not even CD player. So, to play safe, don't simply park your car, if possible, park in the private parking although you have to pay extra.